Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Piggydb V3.6 released

This release adds new Home page functionality, and also fixes a couple of bugs.

The new Home page provides two display formats: "detail" and "list". You can switch between these using the respective buttons in the top-right corner of a fragment list.

Detail view:

List view:

home tag - fragments tagged with "home" always display on the Home page, ideal to provide entry points to your knowledge.

Embedding "pre" formatted fragments now works as expected.

Enjoy building your knowledge!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Piggydb V3.5 released

This maintenance release mainly focuses on improving the user interface.

Piggydb's HTML/CSS was re-written to fully conform to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/).


Internet Explorer7

Enjoy building your knowledge!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Piggydb V3.4 released

This release adds support for two special tags: "pre" and "code".

If a knowledge fragment is tagged with "pre", it will be displayed "as is" and no further formatting will be applied to it (similar to HTML <pre>..</pre> mark-up).

The "code" tag adds syntax highlighting using google-code-prettify.

You can optionally specify the language with a "lang-<language name>" tag, for more detail, see the google-code-prettify document.

If you create the tag relation "pre -> code" beforehand, you will only need to classify a fragment as "code" to enable syntax highlighting of its content.

Enjoy building your knowledge!